School News

Annual Drinking Water Test Information

We are pleased to announce that our annual drinking water tests revealed that our water is safe to drink.
Dear BBA Community: 

We are pleased to announce that our annual drinking water tests revealed that our water is safe to drink.

The State of Vermont passed a new law in 2019 that requires all schools and child care providers to test their drinking water for lead. Samples of water from every tap at BBA that is reasonably expected to be used for drinking or cooking were collected and sent to the Vermont Department of Health Laboratory for analysis.  
Results for Burr and Burton:
  • All the taps sampled had results BELOW the 4 part per billion (ppb) action level.
  • No further action is currently necessary. The drinking water can continue to be used.

For questions about the water testing process, or about the law and its requirements, please call the Lead in School and Child Care Drinking Water Program at 802-863-7220 or 800-439-8550 (toll-free in Vermont).

You can view school and child care results, remediation and any follow-up testing at (NOTE: If your child’s preschool or after school program is located at a school, the results will be listed under the school’s name.) For more information visit:
To learn more about lead hazards and lead poisoning prevention, visit

If you want to test your home drinking water for lead, find a list of certified drinking water labs at


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Burr and Burton Academy does not discriminate against any person or group on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), ancestry, national origin, place of birth, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, age, political affiliation or marital status in admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs and activities. Any person having inquiries concerning the school's compliance with the regulations implementing Title VI, Title IX, section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 or other federal or state nondiscrimination laws or regulations is directed to The Headmaster's Office, Burr and Burton Academy, Manchester, VT 05254. Burr and Burton complies with all applicable state and federal nondiscrimination statutes, including the Vermont Public Accommodations Act (9 V.S.A. Chapter 139), the Vermont Fair Employment Practices Act (21 V.S.A. Chapter 5, Subchapter 6) and Vermont State Board of Education rules 2226.6 and 2229.1.